Farm Yoga Mini Retreat

Sunday, June 16 from 4:00 pm-8:00 pm

Instruction in English and Spanish. Instrucción en inglés y español. 




 Farm Yoga Mini Retreat/ Mini retiro de yoga en la granja

Sunday, June 16, 2024

4:00 pm-8:00 pm

Hosted by Good Neighbor Farm (Caroline Wright & Seth Schmiedeknecht)

Instructors: Fr. Bobby Karle, SJ and Carmen Paz Abarca-Campos

    Tentative schedule (all activities are optional)/ Horario tentativo (todas las actividades son opcionales)

  • 4:00  Opening meditation and Talk/ Meditación de apertura y charla
  • 4:30   Yoga 
  • 5:30   Silent reflection time / Reflexión silenciosa
  • 6:00  Small group sharing/ Compartir en grupos pequeños
  • 6:45   Closing ritual / Ritual de cierre
  • 7:00   Potluck dinner and bonfire / Cena compartida y fogata


Good Neighbor Farm 4400 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI, 48105

Donations are welcome for this event. All donations will be passed on to Mercy House in Ann Arbor, a house of hospitality that provides meals, support, and fellowship for people facing addiction and homelessness. You can donate through the ISY website’s Donate page or on the event day.




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